
dem führenden Anbieter von Störsendern, Detektoren, Magneten, Störsendern und Stoffen zur Diebstahlsicherung.

This information is framed after 10 years of practical shoplifting and use of different equipment…

1. Booster bag (made of foil):

– The necessity of constant monitoring of the booster bag’s quality, testing it with the tag every time before using, as micro-cracks appear unexpectedly in boosters.
– The necessity of periodic production of new bag, as wear and tear occurs to each and every of them.
– It is quite a solid object, and if you want to use it on goods that are a bit oversized, it may be difficult to plug wide goods into the booster bag.
– It may be a problem of constant concern that the sensor lies too high to the upper edge of the booster.
– The necessity of separate bag in which a booster bag is inserted on a permanent basis.
– More than one booster bag is required if you use multiple bags,
– Booster bags need to be stored somewhere, so that loved ones and relatives do not ask unnecessary questions about the purpose of this subject. As a result, this leads to certain problems: stealth, paranoia, constant anxiety.
– Inability to carry it with you all the time.
– Instant understanding by security or police officers that you are a shoplifter. In some countries it leads to automatic prosecution or in case of capture it is an aggravating circumstance because of which the punishment is significantly worsened.
– Cost in comparison to the fabric-made bag: In 1-2 years you will change a minimum of 6-24 booster bags, depending on the quality of execution. It will cost you hours of work, cost you materials, and cost time to check after manufacturing as well as cost wasted nerves. In total, this will only be valuable if you need to fight the AM system.

– Built-in metal-detector systems that cannot be identified inside the gate and that do not produce any visual or audible signals. Information about the booster that entered the store is received by the guard on his console, pager.
+ Versatility on AM and RF systems.
+ Production cost regarding jammer. However, this is quite a controversial question regarding the amount of fabric to be needed.

Demonstration of obsolete RF shielding materials:



2. black RF fabric 2017 (metal free)

+ Metal-detectors can catch foil but don’t notice fabric.
+ The inability to feel a fabric-made bag in the bag under the lining by touching it.
+ Durability (if the bag is properly executed and is used under the fabric lining in the bag). Most of the bags I made sewn under the lining bags worked for at least two years. These bags were not just lying but were used for everyday needs.
+ Possibility to create several bags from fabric of different size, or even one larger:
a) Footwear. By entering the store with two medium bags of fabric, it is possible to wrap each shoe in a separate bag and then put them in a simple plastic bag, or simply behind a belt of pants, etc.
b) As well as with the rest of the goods: put in a bag made of fabric, further do as you feel comfortable. The dimensions of the item do not increase.
+ Possibility to make pockets for small or flat goods.
+ Possibility of carrying such a bag continuously without causing inconvenience or unnecessary suspicion by others.
+ Maximum reliability and work in any position towards the gates. Only one layer of fabric is to be used (see the video on the site).
+ There are all detailed instructions for making fabric bags.
– Works only with RF system. (However, the perfect working is guaranteed).
+ the lining with shielding fabric is imperceptible to the touch
+ operating life if the lining is done and used carefully. Most of my bags with shielding fabric work for at least two years taking into account that these bags are constantly used for everyday needs.
+ the ability to create several bags with shielding fabric of different sizes. For instance, If you go to the store with two medium-size bags with shielding fabric you can put each shoe in a separate bag and then put them in a simple plastic bag, or put them under the belt of your pants, etc. So the same with other goods: put it in a bag with shielding fabric, and then put it anywhere you wish. Even so the dimensions of the item stay the same.
+ opportunity to make pockets out of the fabric for small or flat items.
+ you can carry the bag at any time without any inconvenience or suspicion from others.
– works only with the RF system causing no risk.



3. modern EAS jammers

smart АМ EAS jammer (sensormatic type)
RF jammer 2019 (checkpoint type)
АМ+RF EAS jammer “2in1”

+ A variety of within-store manipulations.
+ Ability to put goods in any place: pocket, sleeve, plastic bag, they can be even hold directly in hands… (According to your fantasy).
+ Jammer is inserted into the shell. In case of any detention and inspection, the jammer is not paid additional attention and put aside without unnecessary suspicion, as masking is done only in the shells of devices that a normal person can carry with him.
+ Carrying a jammer that is masked into a PowerBank does not bother at all. Based on experience it is unknown when it can be useful to you. However, carrying a booster bag made of foil is extremely inconvenient in everyday life.



There are anti-theft systems that are currently unable to defeat even with the best versions of jammers. However, the percentage of such gates is very low and we constantly reduce it trying to reach 0. They are also installed with a metal detection system. At present, such cases are more common in European and American countries. The most difficult situation is in Russia, as Russian anti-theft companies try to earn money from the confrontation with me and constantly complicate my life… On the other hand, this is a wonderful factor on the basis of which the situation in all other countries turns out to be almost perfect.

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