AM+RF ტაგის ინდიკატორი 2023

(20 მომხმარებლის მიმოხილვა)


RF+AM tag indicator v.2023

designed as keychain flashlight
power supply no required

კატეგორია: , ჭდე: , , ,


AM indication is always ON, except when the tag’s AM button is pressed.
2 buttons perform the function of activating the AM or RF tag (see photo).
The active tag option is only available when the button is pressed.

Why is this thing needed at all?

  • the identification of the AM system;
  • checking the quality of work of boosterbags, fabrics, jammers;
  • switching the attention of personnel, if necessary, intentional triggering so that later the sensors can be turned off.


Detailed description of how it works is presented in the video, I ask you to show care and intelligence, the principles of using this device are different from all the others.

20 კომენტარი, ჩანაწერი: “AM/RF tag+indicator”

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