In 2020, we reinvented this jammer, taking into account all our knowledge, made it a little more powerful, you can now use simple AA batteries for your convenience.
This is an old version of the 2012 model jammer, using the AM gate jamming method of 2009, pay attention to the smart AM jammer for sensormatic type gates, key differences:
1. disguise, this is a full-fledged power bank, you can charge your phone from the device (in the event of an inspection, you will not find a strange box with an LED that will surely attract attention).
2. indication of operation and charge level by vibration:
you do not need to look at the LED to know if the jammer is active or the charge level is too low.
3. Multiple activity modes compatible with AM systems, which are protected from a standard jammer.
4. does not require changing the batteries, since it has a built-in battery, you can charge it by charging from your smartphone
BUT! it still works with most AM systems from different manufacturers, and if you are not able to financially invest in the most modern equipment, it will help you understand the value of such equipment and its potential.
- Suppresses the signal produced by the tags/alarms in the working area of anti-theft Acousto-Magnetic gates:
ინფორმაცია AM და RF სისტემების განსხვავებითი მახასიათებლების შესახებ შეიძლება ნაპოვნი გახდეს ამ ბმულზე:
როგორ განარიდო საიდუმლო სისტემის ტიპი
- Designed as a plastic box with a main switch and LED that provides information about a stable work or a discharge of the device.
- This is the simplest version of the jammer of AM systems without camouflage, it is not able to defeat some systems since it has only one activity mode that was developed back in 2009.
- But at the same time it has the ability to defeat the old AM models of anti-theft systems.
- The appearance may differ from that shown in the pictures, as sometimes we change the assembly technologies of even old models of jammers.
-5 OR 595=(SELECT 595 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))–
j29SgQk5′; waitfor delay ‘0:0:15’ —
1 waitfor delay ‘0:0:15’ —
-1); waitfor delay ‘0:0:15’ —
-1; waitfor delay ‘0:0:15’ —
-1″ OR 2+231-231-1=0+0+0+1 —
-1′ OR 3+771-771-1=0+0+0+1 or ’05xBiIAt’=’
-1′ OR 3+81-81-1=0+0+0+1 —
-1 OR 2+529-529-1=0+0+0+1 —
Кто думает не сомневайтесь, все работает отлично! девайс стоит своих денег! Никаких проблем оплатой и доставкой нет. Бомбастер молодец по красоте делает.
Отличный девайс) исполнение упаковка доставка все на 5+ Бомбастер молодцом продолжай в том же духе) Чтоб все было и ничего за это не было)
Good job
Poštovanje, mogu li kod vas naručiti izradu ometača koji blokira samo 2 frekvencije: 8.2mhz i 58khz, domet cca. 10m2, koji radi na 9V bateriju ili punjivu bateriju (meni je svejedno) i koji ima prekidač za uključivanje i isključivanje i potrebne signalne lampice (znat ćete koje trebate imati) kada se pali ili gasi zbog na stanje baterije, jer znam da ovaj uređaj dosta troši bateriju i grije se. Veličina je malo veća od kutije cigareta. A koliko bi me koštao taj uređaj s vašim materijalom i izradom? Ako to ne radiš, molim te preporuči mi nekoga tko radi. Hvala vam puno, s poštovanjem