Zagłuszacz sensormatyczny Smart AM EAS (dla Anti-Jammer) 58 kHz

(26 opinii klienta)


DARMOWA dostawa ekspresowa EMS
minimalny promień: 1,5 metra od zagłuszacza
tryby aktywności na początku 2022 r.: 10
Gwarancja na awarię: 1 rok
Czas pracy: 90 minut po pełnym naładowaniu




Fully modified version of the AM EAS Sensormatic jammer.

Differences between the smart version and the standard AM jammer:
invisible for anti-theft gates with the latest firmware: “Jammer Detection, anti-jammer”;.
fixed the problem with “freezes, glitches” and other inadequate reactions of most gates.
the coverage radius is significantly increased.


also study the detailed description of the old AM jammer, there the differences are described in even more detail:
podstawowy zagłuszacz AM EAS sensormatic 58kHz


WERYFIKOWANE do USA, Kanady, Europy, Rosji + sklepy ZARA, Stradivarius, Massimo Dutti (INDITEX) and other stores gates with built-in anti-jammer.
CROSSPOINT AM NEXUS, GateWay AM, AMERSEC AM, DetexLine AM, Sensormatic AM.


obejrzyj więcej filmów z demonstracjami jammerów na YouTube:

Najlepsze na świecie informacje na temat różnic pomiędzy technologiami AM RF systemów antykradzieżowych można znaleźć w dziale:
jak określić rodzaj bramki antykradzieżowej


The device has VIBRATION:
operating mode of the device, the battery level or stable operation of the discharge.
Just operation is also highly dependent on the on-off periods, ask me and get more information. Also operating time depends on the type of case and disguise.

You are sure to get all the necessary instructions about use and the Jammer control system.
The Jammer also has the ability to completely lock the control system to increase your safety in a dangerous situation.

May 2018 changes are introduced:
AM EAS Smart Jammer is sold only with disguise(camouflage, masking) in PowerBank.
The images show the PowerBank used in the early years of the production of camouflaged jammers.
Smart Jammer is sold only with disguise in cases of the “PowerBank” type, which at the same time does not lose the functionality of the charger.

New Data about masking only for Customers!!!

The range of possible masking can be discussed at the time of purchase. (There are only used for a long time model options, but you can choose a more interesting one for yourself.)

They can not be detected by anti-theft gates, equipped with the latest firmware “interference detection, anti-interference.” It has the ability to suppress the gate, which include an alarm in normal operation interference.

And so, the problem is solved “freezes, bugs” and other reactions are not adequate gate. The problem of inappropriate reactions of the gate is also solved.

buy – Smart AM EAS sensormatic jammer (for Anti-Jammer) 58kHz,

buy – Smart AM EAS sensormatic jammer (for Anti-Jammer) 58kHz,


26 odpowiedzi na “Smart AM EAS sensormatic jammer (for Anti-Jammer) 58kHz”

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