Мелкий пакет из чёрной РЧ ткани

(3 отзыва клиентов)

£27.00 - £255.00

sizes: 15×25cm, 32×41cm34×47cm, 33×39cm, 41×27cm, to order another size, please contact.


Артикул: Н/Д Категория: Метки: , , ,


Such a package can serve you both in order not to leave anti-theft tags in the store, or in the case when there are one or a couple of tags on a soft thing.

This gives you the opportunity to take a thing with you without removing the tag, just put part of the thing with the tag in a bag and calmly go through the RF anti-theft system. Be careful, check the item for the presence of soft sticker tag-sensors and if you find, remove them or damage to an inoperative state.

*it means that if you loaded only part of your item (for example, a jacket) into a SMALL bag, then in this case you need to check the rest of this item for other soft tags!!!
*this is just one of the options for using this product! this does not mean that you should use this product only by this method!

And also we can make a bag of any size according to your requirements, contact me and we will make an accurate calculation of the necessary fabric and cost of tailoring.

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    Купил, не пожалел, на выходе,чувствую себя волшебником .Спасибо парни .

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