мини-съёмник №1 – 12000gs

(34 отзыва клиентов)



  • dimensions: 38mm in diameter; 13mm in height
    weight: 110 grams
  • detacher attracts less attention;
  • easier to be hidden during the rummage;
  • more convenient in its usage.


firm capacity: 12000Gs

  • removes all kinds of standart tags (hereinafter – the “tag”) with reinforced lock mechanism;
  • detachers are gathered from the best magnetic materials created by an individual order;
  • product was sold more than a thousand times;
  • reviews considering the detachers’ power are only positive;
  • lots of video proofs on YouTube.



  • the detacher is gathered according to my own original technology and stands up well to a fall on hard surface without any loss of capacity.


All detachers are assembled on the original technology, and to increase the strength treated with a special compound, this compound solid as a rock.

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